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I Plan on Forever (Never #3) Page 6

  Haylee smacks his chest, and he laughs.

  “What? It’s true. Sorry,” he chuckles.

  “You should have knocked!” Kyler shouts.

  Zach waves him off. “Kyler, you are my best friend, my sidekick, the Uncle Kracker to my Kenny Chesney, and the Cher to my Sonny. By the way, he makes a beautiful woman.”

  Kyler runs his hand over his face before he shouts jokingly, “Still not cool, man.”

  Zach pulls the microphone back to his mouth, but it can’t hide that signature Jacobs smirk across his face as he points to my husband.

  “Yeah, it is, but I won’t tell it now.” He turns back toward the crowd. “Just come find me if you want to hear that story.” He brings his hand to cover the side of his mouth as if he’s whispering a secret. “It’s actually a really hilarious story.”

  Haylee clears her throat, reminding my brother to get back on topic.

  Haylee to the rescue.

  “Ky, thank you for putting a smile back on my sister’s face and for loving her with the good, the bad, and the hangry. I get why my sister loves you so much. You’re funny, compassionate, full of life, and can make a delicious cinnamon roll. Oh, and you have excellent taste in movies.”

  I don’t miss that dig, and I roll my eyes.

  “Never let my sister tell you otherwise. Well, I better wrap this up, because I think my wife is about to lose it with me. See, I even prepared for this moment and put that in my speech because I know you.”

  He looks over at his wife, who has the typical mom sway going with Emme on her chest, and points to his paper. She laughs gently before shaking her head at him with a big smile on her face. He knows her so well.

  “And even though you’re my best friend, I will still hurt you if you hurt my baby sister. Actually, that goes for both of you.” Zach points the microphone between us.

  Kyler pulls me close to him and kisses my temple. “I wouldn’t dare dream it, but would expect nothing less.”

  “So, raise a glass to the man and woman of the hour, Dani and Ky!”

  “Cheers,” everyone in the room shouts as we raise our champagne glasses and clink them together.

  After taking a small sip, Kyler leans in and brushes his lips against mine. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. I’m still sorry I missed out on your big moment as Cher. If only I could turn back time.” I sing the last part.

  His bright smile falters and mine widens before I snort in laughter. Kyler sits back in his chair, fake pouting.

  “Aww, poor baby,” I laugh before turning my attention to Haylee for her speech.

  Lord help me if she pulls the big guns out with her speech. Where Zach only has a few years with Kyler as his best friend, Haylee and I have a lifetime.

  “Now, I turn the microphone over to my beautiful wife and matron of honor, Haylee.”

  Haylee successfully hands off a sleeping Emme to Zach without too much fuss, although I am not surprised, since she is such a daddy’s girl. If she doesn’t want to be in her Uncle Ky’s arms, she wants to be with her daddy.

  Haylee pulls her speech out of the pocket in her dress. I laugh since she chose that dress specifically for the pockets. “You never know what you will need to hold on to,” she had said. I guess it makes sense.

  “I read somewhere that they say that a successful marriage requires you to fall in love many times, always with the same person. Many of us here have been lucky to fall in love before.” Haylee glances back at Zach, and they both smile at each other. “But real love is when you can fall in love with that same person over and over again.

  “I look at Dani and Ky, and I see that what they have is real love.” I reach for Ky’s hand and lace my fingers with his. “The kind that challenges you, strengthens you, and teaches you.

  “Dani, you are my very best friend. You’ve been my other half since the start. There was a time when you said it was you and me against the world, and while that is still true, it is now you and Kyler against the world. There is nothing you can’t face as long as you are together.”

  I feel the tears starting to gather in my eyes, and Ky wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. I wipe the stray tear that has fallen as Haylee takes a deep breath to continue.

  “Now, Kyler. Don’t think you’re getting out of this that easily.”

  She winks, and my husband chuckles. I can feel the vibrations of his laugh going through my body with our closeness.

  “You came into our lives at a time when joy was lacking. I thought you had met your perfect match in your bromance with Zach, but I think you were brought into our lives so that one day you and Dani would find each other. I’m thankful to have met you first because I got to see how truly amazing a person you are. The type of man who made sure to ask approval of all of the men in his girlfriend’s life before asking for her hand in marriage.

  “Since I met Kyler, I have never seen anyone capture his attention like Dani has. That is how I knew what they have is something special. If there is one person on this earth that I want to love my best friend for the rest of her life, it’s you. So, Kyler, I want to toast to you. I am proud to call you my friend and now officially my brother. I love you both so much and wish you all the happiness in the world because if two people deserve it, it’s you two. Please raise a glass with me to the new Mr. and Mrs. Lawson.”

  The tears are flowing from us both now. I don’t even pick up my champagne glass to drink at first. Damn, I should’ve realized that Haylee was going to pull the heartstrings on this speech versus make it funny. Haylee hands the microphone back to the DJ. I push back my chair and stand, not even waiting for Kyler, and pull her into my arms.

  “I love you so much,” I whisper in her ear.

  Her arms tighten around me.

  “You, too, D,” she responds.

  Kyler has joined my side, and as Haylee and I separate, he hugs her. “Damn, Hails, way to pull out the big guns today.”

  She laughs as she wraps her arms around him. “Yeah, well, Zach wouldn’t let me read his speech beforehand, so I knew I had to go big or go home to top whatever epicness he had planned.”

  I love the bond they have together. My brother closes the distance between us and pulls me into him. I wrap my arms gently around his waist, making sure not to move Emme, who is sleeping peacefully. I take one hand and brush the curls out of her face and press a soft kiss to her temple.

  My life feels complete.

  I watch my bride on the dance floor, smiling and laughing as she dances. I needed a break, so I am enjoying the quiet of our table while everyone else is elsewhere. The seat next to me slides out, and I am greeted with eyes similar to mine.

  “Hey, Mom.”

  She reaches over, grabbing my hand. “Enjoying your day?”

  “Of course. I think I might definitely crash hard later tonight.” I leave out the part where I plan to after making love to my wife for hours.

  “It was a beautiful wedding and a wonderful reception. That dance was something else, Ky.” She laughs.

  It was. I think Dani was surprised, as well as our other guests.

  “You’ve been quiet today. Everything okay?” I ask.

  She pats my hand.

  “Of course, I’m just taking it all in. I just can’t believe that my baby boy is all grown up and married.” She chokes out her words.

  “Aww, Mom.” I pull her into a hug. “I’m twenty-seven; I think I’m not a baby boy anymore.”

  She smacks my chest, laughing. “You will always be my baby boy, Kyler Christopher Lawson. When you are a father one day, you will understand.” She grows silent. “I just wish your father were here to see the man you’ve become.”

  I pull her tighter into my arms, feeling the same way. Before we can continue the conversation, the music fades, and the DJ walks out from behind his booth.

  “If I could have everyone clear the dance floor for me,” the DJ announces as he places a chair in the center of the dance flo
or. “Dani, Kyler, you are being summoned up front here.”

  I kiss my mom’s cheek before rising from my chair. I join Dani where she stands and clasp my fingers through hers and lead her to the chair.

  “Dani, I need you to take a seat, and Kyler, you stand over there.”

  Dani fluffs out her dress as she sits in the chair, waiting for me to make my way over to her and feel my way up her dress. It’s the garter removal, of course, but while I’m up there I might need to have dessert early.

  The sounds of Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get It On” plays through the speakers, and the hoots and hollers from the crowd cheer me on.

  I lock eyes with my bride, and she throws her head back in laughter at my attempt at eye-fucking her in front of her family. Just in front of her, I wink before unbuttoning my vest, doing my best at a striptease. I cup her cheeks and claim her mouth in an anything-but-subtle kiss. When we break apart, her eyes are glazed over and cheeks flushed. I slide down her body, mouthing the lyrics to her.

  I get down on one knee in front of her and slowly begin to trail my hands up her silky-smooth skin along her legs, applying the right amount of pressure to give her an idea of what’s in store for later.

  I lift the material of her dress, just enough to duck my head underneath. Oh man, I could totally have some fun under here, but I remember my task at hand. I massage her legs, up her thighs, and trail kisses in their wake. I wish I could see her face right now. The blue lace garter is just above her knee in the middle of her thigh. I see it with the silver cursive of my last name—our last name.

  A tap on the top of my head through the dress tells me I need to hurry this up. I grip the lace with my teeth and slowly drag it down her leg. When I emerge with it still in my mouth, the crowd’s cheering grows. I swing it over my head as I close the distance, kissing her one last time before rising to my feet.

  I run my fingers over the lace and more importantly the name on it.

  Dani stands in front of me and wraps her arms around my neck. “You like that? Haylee gave it to me this morning.”

  “I love it! The girl has good taste.”

  “Well, I don’t know about you, but I think it got a little hotter in here.” The DJ fans himself dramatically.

  Dani buries her head in my chest, but I can feel her body vibrate with laughter.

  “Kyler, I’m going to need you to hold on tight to that. I’ll get to you in just a moment. Now, if I could have all the single ladies together on the dance floor. Dani is going to toss the bouquet.”

  Dani leans up and presses a quick kiss to my cheek before she dances her way to the front. Her mom hands her one of the bridesmaids’ bouquets for her to toss since she didn’t want to mess up her real one. Something about scrapbooking. I’m not sure; I just go along with it. This is clearly not my territory.

  A large crowd of women join Dani on the dance floor.

  Wow, I didn’t even realize we knew this many single women.

  Right up front stands Kate, and wait, is that Aria?

  “Aria, what are you doing up there? Last time I checked, you are not single,” Hunter barks.

  She holds up her left hand. “I don’t see a ring, Mr. St. James; therefore, I’m still technically single according to wedding law.”

  “Wedding law?” Hunter mouths at me.

  I shrug. Beats the hell out of me. I scan the rest of the women and spot my mother in the back.


  “What? I’m single, you know.”

  I run my hands over my face as Dani takes her place, turning around the same time the chorus of “Roar” by Katy Perry begins to play. I’m pretty sure these ladies are all going to roar in just a moment fighting for these flowers. Boy, I am glad to have put a ring on Dani’s finger so that she doesn’t have to participate in this madness.


  Dani throws back the bouquet, and I really do not think there are words right now for what unveils in front of me. Heels flying, curse words shouted, dresses torn—okay, maybe that last one was an exaggeration. But I did watch Kate fall to the ground in a fetal position, huddling the bouquet to her chest. She really went after it, for someone who doesn’t do relationships.

  Lauren helps Kate to her feet, and she does a little dance resembling a touchdown dance as Lauren walks off.

  Next up, my turn to toss the garter.

  Benny has a mischievous look on his face as he takes center stage. “Ky!”


  He points between the two of us. “You gotta help me out, man. This is my definite in with your sister.”

  He’s got to be kidding me. Yeah, not happening, man.

  I spin around once the DJ nods. “Pony” by Ginuwine begins to play. I glance over my shoulder at Dani. I put her in charge of this song. Really? She smirks, clearly happy about her choice in her Magic Mike theme song. I roll my eyes and wait for the countdown.

  One…two…three. Shockingly, the men are just as rowdy as the women. Who would’ve thought?

  Dani races to join my side. “Oh shit, this is amazing.”

  I tilt my head, confused, till I see Bennett waving around the blue lace. My lips cover my teeth as I watch the realization hit my sister’s face. Bennett saunters over to her and puts his arm around her shoulders.

  She pushes his arm off. “Ugh, let’s get this over with.”

  “Oh, baby, it won’t be that quick. I’ve got some pretty good stamina.”

  Maybe it’s not too late to get a leash for him.

  The DJ leads Kate over to the same chair Dani had sat in not too long ago. Bennett takes his place. Kate covers her face in embarrassment as “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred begins to play. I can’t hide my smile, as this song choice was a drunken decision from Zach and me one night, where we thought it would be hilarious to watch, although we never expected it to be for Bennett and Kate.

  The excitement on Bennett’s face is the complete opposite of my sister’s. This is how I know that it’s going to be super entertaining.

  I pull Dani into my chest and lean down. “You know my sister is going to kill us, right?”

  She looks up, beaming. “Yep, but it’s a good thing we leave for our honeymoon tomorrow.”

  I kiss the tip of her nose. “I love the way you think.”

  She wraps her arms around my waist as we watch the shitshow unfold. Bennett dances his way to where Kate sits. I’ve got to hand it to the guy; he’s got some moves. By the time he makes it over to Kate, the sour look has left her face and she is actually smiling and giggling. He slides the garter slowly up her leg, and I must say I’m a little disappointed when she doesn’t slap him. He is even ballsy enough that he leans up and kisses her cheek.

  Kyler and I are making our rounds around the room when a man approaches. He is just as tall as Kyler with wavy dark brown hair.

  “Kyler Lawson, a married man. I never thought I’d see the day.”

  Ky and this mystery man do one of those manly hugs with the slapping that I don’t understand. I watch their interactions. They act as if they have known each other for years, but I have no idea who he is. I think back to the Lawson family functions I have attended and can’t recall ever seeing him. I clear my throat, breaking up their bromance reunion.

  “Oh shit, sorry. Finn, meet my beautiful wife, Dani. Dani, this is Finn Reynolds. He’s…” Ky pauses and looks at Finn with a strange look on his face as if he’s trying to figure out who he really is. “An old family friend.”

  Finn nods, but there is something about the way that he looks, almost as if he’s disappointed in what Kyler said.

  I reach out to shake his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “What the hell are you even doing here? I never thought I’d see you back on the East Coast.”

  With his hands in his pockets, Finn responds.

  “I’m my mom’s plus one. You know, after…” He looks down and bites his cheek nervously.

  Ky grips Finn’s
arm. “I’m really sorry about…”

  Finn cuts him off. Clearly, whatever Ky was apologizing for, he didn’t want to talk about it.

  “Yeah, thanks. Congratulations. It was a beautiful wedding.” He turns to me. “You’ve got a good one here, Dani. I’ve watched this kid grow up, and the Lawsons are a wonderful family.”

  I wrap my arms around my husband and squeeze his waist. I am lucky, aren’t I? I smile at Finn. Why has no one ever brought this guy up before? He seems to act like he knows the Lawsons pretty well.

  “We’ll have to catch up soon. What’s it been, ten years?”

  Kyler nods. “How long are you in town for? We leave for our honeymoon tomorrow.”

  Kyler searches the room, and I look around trying to figure out what or who he is looking for, but come up empty-handed. I do catch my brother and his daughter dancing on the dance floor. My heart warms at the beautiful sight in front of me.

  “I’m back for good. Taking over things with Dad’s company,” Finn says.

  “Oh shit. Does Lauren know?”

  That catches my attention. I turn back to the conversation, trying to hide my confusion. Lauren? Why would Lauren need to know?

  “No.” A simple one-word answer, but I can see so many unsaid words written across his face.

  Kyler puts his hands in his pockets and just nods, giving no expression away either. What is the deal with these two? I am ready to burst with so many questions.

  I watch as Finn’s eyes wander around the room just like Ky’s had previously. Is he looking for Lauren? I know they land on his target when I see the slightest smile greet his lips. I try to see who is in his view, but there’s no way I can do it without being obvious. But if I had to guess, it would be my sister-in-law Lauren.

  “If you two will excuse me.” Finn straightens his jacket.

  “Yeah, I’ll see you around,” my husband responds.

  “Congrats, and it was a pleasure meeting you, Dani,” Finn says, and he disappears before I can say “you, too” back.