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I Plan on Forever (Never #3) Page 5

  I bring our joined hands to my lips and brush a sweet kiss against them. I need to refrain from kissing her how I really want to. There is no need to have a boner walking in front of all these guests, and I have a lifetime to kiss her.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time as husband and wife, please welcome Kyler and Danielle Lawson.”

  Nothing can top the high I am feeling right now, hearing her name announced with mine.

  Danielle Lawson, it has a nice ring to it.

  I wink at her before taking the lead. I’ve spent countless hours practicing our dance in the kitchen to surprise everyone. We dance our way to the center of the dance floor, making our first official appearance as husband and wife. I think I even shock Dani with my smooth moves as I spin her around and dip her before capturing her mouth in a passionate kiss. Just wait till she sees my moves later.

  As I bring her back to her feet, my wife is beaming. “Wow, Mr. Lawson. Where have you been hiding those moves? That was incredibly sexy.”

  I smirk. “I’ve been practicing.”

  She will see just how much I’ve been practicing.

  “Will everyone please clear the dance floor so that Mr. and Mrs. Lawson can share their first dance as husband and wife.”

  The familiar guitar strums of “Say You Won’t Let Go” by James Arthur begins to play through the speakers. Dani and I had chosen this song for our first dance as man and wife the first time we heard it. The lyrics really spoke to us about our relationship. It didn’t matter how long it took us to get there; there was no way in hell I was going to let her go. With one hand in Dani’s and the other on her lower back pulling her closer to me, we begin to sway side to side.

  My eyes meet her baby blues, and everything fades away. I link our fingers on the hand that is closest to my chest. Our fingers fit perfectly together. I wonder if that happens for everyone when they meet their soul mate; they just know because they fit perfectly together.

  “I can’t believe we did it,” she says, looking up at me.

  “We did, didn’t we?” I smile at her.

  “This is the most amazing day of my life. I’ve been dreaming of this day my entire life, and it was perfect. Thank you.”

  “You deserve all of this and more, baby. I plan to spend every day showing you just how much you deserve.”

  “I look forward to that.” She removes her hand from mine and wraps it around the back of my neck.

  I pull her closer to me with both hands now on her lower back. With her hand on my chest, we continue to sway. No words are needed. I have to hold back a growl at her proximity and the way she plays with the hair at the bottom of my neck.

  As the music fades and the crowd applauses, we take a moment to relish in this feeling. Dani is first to pull away slowly. I bend down, meeting her halfway, and press my lips against hers. I slowly lick the seam of her mouth, and she opens.

  Our kiss is over too quickly when someone in the crowd shouts, “Get a room!”

  I take her hand and lead her to our table that holds the entire wedding party. I pull her chair out for her before I take my seat.

  The DJ begins to speak. “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure at this time to welcome to the front the father of the bride, the one and only Adam Jacobs.”

  My father-in-law accepts the microphone from the DJ when he arrives at the front. “I would like to welcome everyone here today to celebrate the joining of Danielle and Kyler and say thank you so much for coming. I won’t take up too much of your time so that we can get on to the amazing meal planned. I’ve had to listen to the delicious items being served today for months and months, and I can’t wait to dive in.”

  Him and me both—my stomach has been growling all day at the thought of crab cakes and filet mignon.

  Adam puts his hand in his pocket and focuses on our table. “There are days in a father’s life that he will dread: the day his daughter rides a bike without training wheels, the day she brings home her first boyfriend, the day she gets her driver’s license, and the day she says ‘I do.’ Those are all days when a father realizes his daughter doesn’t need him. She is a strong, independent woman able to fly on her own.”

  Dani reaches for my hand under the table, and her grip tightens as her father continues.

  “Danielle, when I held you in my arms for the first time, I knew I would have to let you go one day, but I wasn’t ready, so I held on a little tighter. I knew one day a man would enter my daughter’s life and replace me in her life. Replace me as her hero, replace me as the one she runs to when she needs help, goes to for advice and needs a hand to hold.”

  Adam begins to walk side to side, the crowd soaking up his every word. “While giving my daughter away is one of the hardest things I’ve had to do, I am honored and so proud to call Kyler my son-in-law. It was our annual Fourth of July barbeque when Zach brought Kyler home to meet us. He captured our hearts and instantly became a part of our family. I was not at all surprised to find he had done the same to Dani. There is something about Kyler that puts a smile on your face, and that’s what he did to my baby girl—he put a smile on her face, a smile we all missed.

  “They say that women marry a man with many attributes of her father, so that is also how I know she picked a good one here because come on, look at me.”

  The crowd erupts in laughter as he runs his hand up and down, and I see a glimpse of my best friend when he is older. The apple did not fall far from the tree on that one.

  “I’m not typically a betting man…”

  “Bullshit!” Zach fake coughs beside me.

  Not only did Adam and Brian bet on how long it would take Zach and Haylee to begin dating, but I learned recently that they also had a bet going as to how long it would take me to ask for permission to marry Dani. For once, Adam had won the bet.

  “As I was saying…” He winks dramatically, also just like Zach. “…I’m not typically a betting man, but when I do, it’s on things I know are a sure thing. And I, for one, know that you two and the bond you share are a sure thing. Now that your wedding day is finally here, I’m not sad that I’m losing a daughter because let’s face it, you will forever be a daddy’s girl, but I’m filled with joy that I am gaining a son-in-law. Kyler, she’s all yours.

  “Now, I know that I said I would keep this brief, but I do have one last thing to say, but I enlisted some help from a new friend.”

  Adam looks in the direction of our table again as Dani and I share a confused glance. The chair across from us screeches as Aria stands.

  “I wanted to do something special, a gift as you might say for Dani and Kyler, so I reached out to their friend Aria, who I’m told is very musically talented just like my daughter, and asked for her help.” Aria walks to the front and takes the stool that the DJ has pulled out from the corner for her.

  “Kyler, today, I gave you my most precious gift. Take care of each other.”

  I kiss the top of my wife’s head and nod at my father-in-law. I plan to take care of her every day for the rest of our lives.

  “And now I would like to turn over the microphone to Aria.” He hands the microphone off to her, and she looks almost nervous.

  “Hey, everyone. I’m Aria, and I am a friend of both the bride and groom. I am honored to be here to celebrate this day with two very special people. Now, I hope you don’t mind, but I needed a little help of my own with this. If everyone could please give a warm welcome to my brother, Declan.”

  The crowd begins to clap, and none other than Declan Matthews appears. That little shit of a wedding crasher. What is he even doing here? I thought that he had said he couldn’t attend. He shyly waves as he joins his twin sister. Adam and Brian wheel out a piano from the storage closet of the hall and Declan takes a seat.

  Adam and Brian join their wives at the table beside ours. Aria looks back to her brother, and she smiles as he begins to play a tune I recognize: “Sweet Child of Mine.” Hearing Aria’s voice reminds me of the weekend she and Hunte
r joined us at the Jacobses, and we all sat out by the pool and Hunter played his guitar while Aria and Dani sang their version of a-Ha’s “Take on Me.” It was so surreal, peaceful, and calm.

  Dani leans into my body as our friends sing and play a song for us. When they are done, they receive a standing ovation. I don’t blame them; I am standing myself. When Aria and Declan make their way over, Dani pulls Aria into a hug, and I shake Declan’s hand before swapping.

  “Sorry for wedding crashing. I just couldn’t turn down this request from my sister.”

  I slap his back, standing next to him, watching Dani and Aria chat amongst themselves. “It’s no trouble at all. Why don’t you stay? We can add one more, I’m sure.”

  “Oh, no, I couldn’t impose. Plus, I have some things I need to take care of.”

  “What things?” his sister interrupts.

  I watch a strange look exchanged between Declan and Hunter, but don’t push the subject.

  “Nothing you need to worry about, little sis.” He turns to Dani and me. “Congrats, guys. Dani, you look beautiful, as always. I’ll see you guys later.”

  He kisses the top of Aria’s head and is on his way.

  “You know, Aria, you looked pretty good holding my daughter earlier as we made our way into the ceremony,” Haylee says with her elbows on the table and her head resting on her hands.

  “She’s such a sweetheart. It’s hard not to fall in love.” Aria smiles a genuine smile.

  “Do you and Hunter want kids one day?”

  “One day.”

  I don’t miss the longing in her eyes.

  “Hey, speaking of Hunter, have you seen him lately?” Aria responds.

  “No.” Haylee shakes her head.

  “I haven’t either. In fact, have you seen any of the boys?” I look around the table and see Kyler, Zach, Hunter, and Bennett all missing.

  Haylee’s mouth twists to the side. “Well, that can’t be good.”

  We all giggle. It’s one thing for Zach and Kyler to be missing, but when you throw in Bennett and Hunter, Lord help us. I have heard plenty of stories about their shenanigans. I start to rise from my seat when my husband comes into view.

  Wow, I was just used to saying fiancé, and now I get to say husband. I don’t think I will ever tire saying that.

  “There’s Kyler.” I point to him as he walks onto the dance floor toward the DJ booth.

  Our DJ hands him something. Is that a microphone? Zach, Bennett, and Hunter are standing off to the side.

  Kyler looks just as sexy as the day I met him. Okay, so maybe he was sexier that day since he was shirtless answering the door, but I love when Kyler is dressed up, especially with the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up and his forearms exposed like they are currently. I tilt my head to the side, confused.

  Am I supposed to stand up there with him? Are we supposed to give a speech?

  Haylee leans closer to me. “What are they doing?”

  I shrug, because I have no clue. Haylee, Aria, and I all share a look of confusion. Aria takes her seat across from Haylee as Kyler takes his place in the center of the dance floor.

  Just then, Kyler clears his throat into the microphone. “I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for not only being here with us today to celebrate but for being there along the way of our journey with Dani and me.”

  He faces the direction of our table, and when his eyes meet mine, the corners of his mouth tip up as he nervously puts a hand in his pocket. Seeing him standing there, I think of the night he asked me to marry him. He had sung a karaoke song solo, which was unusual for him, since he and my brother are forever karaoke partners, before getting on one knee and asking me to be his wife.

  “Dani, music has always been my way into your heart, ever since the beginning. I wanted to do something special tonight for you to show you how much you mean to me. I needed some help, however, to do so.”

  I take in the men who are now standing behind Kyler. The expression on Zach’s face matches Bennett’s, a grin from ear to ear, whereas Hunter is rubbing the back of his neck. He looks nervous. Okay, now I am seriously worried about what is about to happen.

  My eyes widen, and my heart begins to beat faster. I look around our table, and Haylee shrugs. I guess it’s safe to say she has no idea what’s going on either. Kyler hands the microphone off to the DJ. He and Zach bump fists before they walk to opposite ends of the dance floor. Two more men have joined the back row with Bennett and Hunter.

  Oh, my God. Is that my dad and Brian?

  The familiar tune of “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life” by Jennifer Warnes and Bill Medley from Dirty Dancing begins to play from the speakers. My hands quickly cover my mouth, and I gasp as Kyler begins walking to the middle of the dance floor, where he was just standing.

  “Oh my God,” Haylee shrieks as Zach is next to walk back, meeting Kyler in the center.

  Slowly, one by one, my dad, Brian, Hunter, and Bennett turn around. They each put on sunglasses, and I let out a loud laugh. When we watched YouTube wedding videos, Kyler always said these types of things were so ridiculous. Clearly, that was a lie. I should never have believed him especially with his and Zach’s over-the-top karaoke performances.

  “Well, that would explain the extra ‘training’ sessions that Bennett and Hunter have been doing lately,” Aria explains while staring wide-eyed, yet amused at the scene unfolding in front of us.

  I watch in awe at my family and friends as they move effortlessly, and quite honestly, not that bad, together to the words of this song. Kyler occasionally points to me and winks. I didn’t think my smile could get any bigger today, and then Kyler went and did this.

  Kyler backs up, and Haylee grabs my arm. With just a few small steps, he launches into the arms of the rest of the guys in the perfect Dirty Dancing lift.

  Haylee gives a mind-numbing whistle, and I cup my hands around my mouth, shouting, “Wooooo!”

  By the time they finish, the room is booming with cheers and laughter. I make my way to Kyler and throw my arms around his neck, slamming my mouth against his. When we pull away, he carries me back toward our table with my arms still around his neck and my feet off the ground.

  “When the hell did you guys have time to do that?” I ask Kyler as he sets me down on the ground.

  He steals one more kiss before pulling me into an embrace. “Well, Zach and I, along with your dad and Brian, have been working on it for months, but we spent part of the morning catching up with Bennett and Hunter. They had a video of the dance moves, but weren’t that good with it.”

  Bennett approaches the table. “Hey, speak for yourself, MaiKy.”

  We all take our seats back at the table.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever had to dance this much,” Hunter huffs, taking a seat next to Aria. “Good thing I love you guys.”

  Zach elbows Haylee jokingly.

  “You hear that, babe? Hunter loves us.” He draws out the word love as if he were a little kid teasing.

  “Jackass,” Hunter mutters under his breath.

  “With these fools, you get used to all the dancing.” Kate places her hands on the back of Zach’s chair.

  “Speaking of dancing, what do you say you and I go get to know each other a little better on the dance floor?” Bennett places his arm around Kate’s shoulders, and she grimaces.

  Kate brushes his arm off as if he were the plague, and we all laugh. “Yeah, I don’t think so, little boy, but nice try. I need a drink.”

  She turns and heads toward the bar.

  Bennett rubs his hand along his jaw. “Damn, I hate to see them go, but I love to watch them leave.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” Hunter says, dropping his head at the same time as Aria chokes in a fit of laughter.

  “And that is why you get punched.” Haylee tips her drink in his direction, and Aria’s laughter continues.

  “You think that’s real funny, don’t you, Blondie? It’s okay; she will want me by the end of
the night. But I guess it’s a good thing there’s two of them. I have a 50/50 shot of taking one of them back to my room.” Bennett winks in our direction.

  Kyler holds up his hand as if he were going to interject, but I place my palm on his chest.

  I lower my voice so only he can hear. “Babe, don’t even worry about it. Lauren and Kate may have different personalities, but I can state for a fact that Bennett won’t be going home with either of them.”

  At least, I think.

  “Benny, we’re sharing a room tonight. Please leave Lauren and Kate alone,” Hunter pleads.

  “You and Blondie go get your own room and have some fun too. Today is a day to celebrate love, and sex is the art form of love. Duh!”

  I don’t know whether to laugh or shake my head at Bennett’s antics, but I am enjoying the show.

  “You’re such a dog,” Haylee jokes before resting her head on her husband’s shoulder.

  “Nah, I’m all wolf, baby,” Bennett responds with a wink before walking away from the table, my guess would be in search of one of my sisters-in-law.

  “Next time, we leave him at home.” Aria raises her glass in a toast.

  As we all raise our glasses to join, my brother chimes in. “Ooh, or we can get him a leash.”

  Clink. Clink. Clink.

  The sound of a knife hitting a glass draws our attention to the left, where we find my brother, sister-in-law, and niece standing. Oh, Lord, who gave him a microphone? It seems every time someone picks up the microphone, something crazy happens. I cross my fingers that this is not the case this time, although knowing my brother, anything is possible.

  Zach clears his throat. “Not sure I can top the lovely Kate and Lauren’s speech last night at the rehearsal dinner or our performance earlier, but I’m going to try. If anyone uploaded that to YouTube, please send me the link. Who knows, maybe I can top the number of views from my Foreigner video from college.”

  “Get on with it!” my dad shouts from his table.

  Zach waves him off. “For those that don’t know me, well, I apologize, but I’m Zach, the best man. I have the honor of being the bride’s devilishly handsome older brother and the groom’s best friend. I’ve watched these two grow from strangers to friends to lovers. And saw even more than I would have liked.”